Game Instructions

Get people laughing together at your next family gathering or dinner with friends!

Each person starts by writing a creative sentence on a Game Sheet: for example, "Grandma took the dinosaur for a walk." Then each person passes their Game Sheet to the person next to them. That person then translates the first person's sentence into a drawing Game Sheets get passed around the circle as players alternate between writing sentences and creating drawings.

Funny details get lost (or added) along the way, because each player can only see the previous player’s work. Everybody cracks up when you share the completed Game Sheets at the end! Completed Game Sheet example on the flip side!


If you're terrible at drawing, you still have to play! A mix of good and "bad" drawings makes for more laughs. Kids, teens, adults, and grandparents: if you can read and write, you can play. Take a break from technology and have a few laughs!


Play with seven players or more to maximize your laughs!

  • Seven players: Each player starts a Game Sheet by writing a creative sentence in Box 1. Game Sheets are passed around the circle and each player will complete one of the seven boxes on each Game Sheet. Perfecto!
  • More than seven players: Each player starts a Game Sheet by writing a creative sentence in Box 1. Game Sheets are passed around the circle until all seven boxes on each Game Sheet are completed. Not all players will participate in every Game Sheet, as the number of players is greater than the number of boxes per Game Sheet. But don't worry about missing out, because you'll read all of the Game Sheets together with the group at the end
  • Fewer than seven players: Each player starts a Game Sheet by writing a creative sentence in Box 1. Game Sheets are passed around the circle until each player has completed one box on each Game Sheet. Not all seven boxes on the Game Sheet will be filled out when you finish, but there are still plenty of opportunities for miscommunication and laughs!

Gather around a large table, or play on the couch and grab something firm to write on. One round takes about 15 minutes to complete. After the first round, flip over your Game Sheets and play again!


  • Give each player one pen and one Game Sheet (tear perforated Game Sheets off of the paper roll).
  • Follow the instructions printed on each Game Sheet: write your Name, Date, and sentence for Box 1.
  • If you have trouble making decisions, we suggest you pass to the left for the first round and to the right for your next round. But really it’s up to you!
  • The next player must create a drawing that best represents the first player’s sentence. BTW, don’t use words in your drawings. That’s cheating!
  • After the second player creates a drawing in Box 2, fold Box 1 back (away from you) so the next player can only see Box 2. This pattern continues throughout the game.
  • IMPORTANT: The Game Sheet should be folded such that you only see the work of the person right before you!
  • Continue following the instructions on the Game Sheet, alternating between sentences and drawings until all seven boxes on each Game Sheet are complete (for seven or more players). If you have fewer than seven players, pass Game Sheets around until each player has completed one box on each Game Sheet.


Typically three Game Sheets are deemed "winners" at the end of each round: (1) most changed, (2) most stayed the same, and (3) most hilarious!


At the end of the game, give each person their original Game Sheet back. Spread your Game Sheets out flat on the table and read them aloud as a group for big laughs!

Ready to play Round 2? Flip the Game Sheets over and use the back side for the next round! This time, pass the Game Sheets in the opposite direction - it’s payback time for all of those cryptic drawings you received last round!

Keep completed Game Sheets for future laughs, or be green and recycle!

Starting sentence theme ideas:

  • Food
  • Animals
  • Song Lyrics
  • Travel
  • Holidays
  • Adult Topics
  • Movies
  • Celebrities
  • Hobbies

Starting sentence examples:

  • Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
  • Justin Bieber became a monk.
  • Griswold family cuts down a Christmas tree.
  • Jim ate a pizza and then used the toilet.
  • Trump flew to the moon to take a selfie.

This game includes: one game paper roll with 70 double-sided Game Sheets, seven pens, this instructions sheet, and a travel pouch.

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